Day 1 & 2

September 16th, 17th

- Expert business operators will share their playbook

Day 1 & 2

September 16th, 17th

- Expert business operators will share their playbook

Cheplak Tahoe Mastermind Speaker Line Up




















The Mission...

What do people think about Cheplak Live Masterminds?


"Yesterday continues to reinforce how much more powerful a physical gathering is over virtual meetings.

Jon Cheplak that was special. Thank you for all you do for us."

- Ryan Young, CEO and Co-Founder at Fello

"This was literally the best event I’ve ever been to - and I attend some amazing events. The people in this room are unlike any other room you can be in. If I could pick 1 thing to go to all year that would change my business, change my life - it would be this.

Thanks Jon for filling the entire room with the very best in the business. 🤩 Can’t wait for this year!"

- Christina Gentry


I went to the wildest birthday party. Tons of A-list celebrities.Crazy venue on the water in Lake Tahoe.Went for 48 hours hard. Ten years ago that would have meant something much different…Now just an intense mastermind with the best in the business opening their playbooks and their hearts. I needed it. 48 hours in this room and I couldn’t be more energized, motivated, and inspired. Jon Cheplak you are the absolute truth. As good as it gets. And your community is a reflection of it. Grateful for the past two days. Now it’s time to put in the work.
- Ryan Young

Headed to the airport this morning and I am feeling so grateful…

  • Grateful to be able to sit in a room with high-level market leaders 
  • Impressed as these leaders NOT only run amazing teams and companies but are incredible human beings.

I leave here impacted by the generosity in that room…

  • They are givers.
  • They are contributors.
  • They have big visions.
  • They are ACTION takers.

In a shifted market, now the new normal market - it brings such confidence to have access to the brain power of all of these innovators!! Grateful for Jon Cheplak who DEMONSTRATES and models on a high level.

  • Discipline
  • Abundance
  • Authenticity
  • Transparency
  • Vulnerability

Have never seen a leader so willing to promote and bring forth other talents as he has…He is creating a movement!

Thank you Jon Cheplak! I know there were a lot of days and years when you did the “work” and put one foot in front of the other.  We are reaping the benefits of your deep-deep personal transformation and commitment to what you are created on this earth for!
⁃ Amy Wienands

Wow! Truly honored to have spent the last few days in the presence of some of the top team leads in the world! I'm grateful for the wisdom they shared and the friendships I made! Thank you @cheplaklive for being the straw that stirs the drink and for creating a community of people who are achieving at the highest levels on the planet, yet with no egos and a passion to contribute and help others. That was something else!
⁃ Nick HAZZI

The Cheplak Tahoe Conference was FIRE! Jon Cheplak has created a community that is unrivaled in the space and our coaches Jon Cheplak, Keith Pike, Suneet Agarwal, and Bill Pipes are pushing us way outside of our comfort zone to be and do better.  I can speak for the entire Perna Team when I say we’re grateful for the speakers that gave their time this week, and Jon for the community he has built. It’s where a lot of my friends are. 
- Perna Team

Jon, thank you so much for putting on such an incredibly inspirational and informative leadership mastermind this week. My husband and I are grateful for the content and the great job that you did. We are ready to take it back to the agents in our real estate companies and continue to make them better and stronger!
- Renee Parsons Adelmann

The "Lady Leader" panel was everything I want for the lil girl. She's a born leader and has a better path to the top than many others before her, because of women like this. Attending the leadership summit was my best investment to the future I want to see with teams and family.
- Jason Galaz

I recently got back from one of the most amazing real estate leadership masterminds ever! I’m so grateful and honored to be part of this Community! I’m still blown away by the caliber of true contribution, humbleness, vulnerability, and sharing from some of the highest successful leaders in real estate from around the country! I’m so excited to share, pay it forward, and take action on all that I learned! Thank you Jon Cheplak for creating this amazing community!  I wish I would have signed up years ago when I first met you!  You are truly the real deal and are inspiring so many! To Tara Harvel Limbird, Amy Wienands, Veronica Figueroa, Laurie Reader, and all the other amazing speakers,  you brought the fire and heart that moved not only me to my core, but everyone in the room!  
- Jo Ferraro


I had the opportunity to spend a few days with 250 top business owners/team leaders/brokers/agents in Lake Tahoe recently.

The experience was unbelievable.

It started with a hike up Mt. Tallac. It was about a 10 mile hike up and back. I’ve run a marathon and a half marathon. I’ve trained. I’m good. WRONG!!

I was not even close to being prepared as I expected. NO WAY!

I was blown away with the camaraderie with people that I didn’t know and who didn’t know me. I needed help on the way up and on the way down. EVERY ONE ASKED ME IF I NEEDED HELP. EVERY. ONE.

The vibe of the room from the people attending was different than I had expected, but based on my hiking journey, I should have expected something a little different. Boy was I in for something different.

I’m not skilled enough yet with my words to explain this event’s impact on me. This is happening again next year and you can be assured that I am going again. There’s an event in December that is happening and you bet your ass I already signed up to go.

I’ve been told that it’s different over there…I’m a believer now! Thank You Jon Cheplak!  
- Marc Viana

You guys did an amazing job, btw. One of the best events I've been to and I'm comparing that to some of the Tony Robbins stuff I've seen. Really really powerful and your execution appeared flawless on my end. 

- Clay Byrne

Let's do this.